The Geometric Nature of the Flaschka Transformation


Bloch Anthony M.,Gay-Balmaz François,Ratiu Tudor S.


National Science Foundation


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


Mathematical Physics,Statistical and Nonlinear Physics

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2. Continuous selection of Lagrangian subspaces;Linear and Multilinear Algebra;2023-09-30

3. Large values of cusp forms on $$\mathrm {GL}_n$$;Selecta Mathematica;2020-09

4. Structure preserving noise and dissipation in the Toda lattice;Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical;2018-04-26

5. The Clebsch Representation in Optimal Control and Low Rank Integrable Systems;Computation and Combinatorics in Dynamics, Stochastics and Control;2018







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