1. Blowes DW, Ptacek CJ (1994) Acid-neutralization mechanisms in inactive mine tailings. In: Jambor JL, Blowes DW (eds) The environmental geochemistry of sulfide mine-wastes. Short course handbook, vol 22. Mineralogical association of Canada, Quebec, pp 271–292
2. CEN/TS 14405 Characterization of waste. Leaching behaviour tests. Up-flow percolation test (under specified conditions)
3. EC (2009) Reference document on best available techniques for management of tailings and waste-rock in mining activities. January 2009. European Commission, Directorate-General, JRC Joint Research Centre, Institute for prospective technological studies, sustainability in industry, energy and transport. European IPPC bureau. 563 p. ftp://ftp.jrc.es/pub/eippcb/doc/mmr_adopted_0109.pdf . Accessed 6 October 2010
4. EN 12057 Natural stone products. Modular tiles. Requirements
5. EN 12058 Natural stone products. Slabs for floors and stairs. Requirements