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2. Lect Notes Comput Sci;P. R. Amestoy,2000
3. P. E. Bjørstad and M. Dryja. A coarse space formulation with good parallel properties for an additive Schwarz domain decomposition algorithm. Submitted to Numerische Mathematik, 1999.
4. P. E. Bjørstad, M. Dryja, and E. Vainikko. Robust additive Schwarz methods on unstructured grids. In P. E. Bjffrstad, M. Espedal, and D. Keyes, editors, Domain Decomposition Methods in Sciences and Engineering. DDM.org, 1997. Ninth International Conference, Bergen, Norway.
5. P. E. Bjørstad, J. Koster, and P. Krzyżanowski. DD: a parallel domain decomposition solver for large scale industrial problems. User’s Guide 3.0. Technical report, Parallab, University of Bergen, Norway, August 2000. In preparation.