1. Beijing Municipal Bureau of Statistics (2014) Statistical communique on the 2001 national economic and social development of the city of Beijing. http://www.bjstats.gov.cn/xwgb/tjgb/ndgb/201402/t20140213_267744.htm (in Chinese)
2. Beijing Municipal Commission of Development and Reform (2010) Notice on adjusting non-residential area parking fees in Beijing central area. http://www.bjpc.gov.cn/tztg/201002/t538984.htm (in Chinese)
3. Beijing Municipal Commission of Transport (2006) Prioritized public transportation development guide. http://www.beijing.gov.cn/zfzx/tzgggs/qt/t708590.htm (in Chinese)
4. Beijing Municipal Commission of Transport (2010a) Notice of the Beijing Municipal People’s Government on the implementation of weekday rush hour limit line area traffic management measures. http://zhengwu.beijing.gov.cn/gzdt/gggs/t1108962.htm (in Chinese)
5. Beijing Municipal Commission of Transport (2010b) Guideline of Beijing Municipal People’s Government on further promoting the development of the capital transportation science and research to alleviate traffic congestion. http://zhengwu.beijing.gov.cn/gzdt/gggs/t1145922.htm (In Chinese)