1. R. G. Blackman andJ. W. Tukey,The Measurement of Power Spectra (Dover Publications New York 1959).
2. Rumen D. Bojkov,Latitudinal Variation of Total Ozone in Limited Meridional Cross-Section, Bulletin Geophys. Inst. Bulg. Acc. Sci.5 (1) (Sofia 1964), 33?46.
3. Rumen D. Bojkov,Vertical Distribution of Ozone in the Earth's Atmosphere, Meteorol. i Gidr. 10, (Moscow 1965), 3?11. (Transl. by AFCRL, G.T.R. 66-22 October 1966.)
4. Rumen D. Bojkov,Differences in the Vertical Ozone Distribution Deduced from Umkehr and Ozonesonde Data at Goose Bay, J. Appl. Meteorol.6 (1966), 872?877.
5. Rumen D. Bojkov andA. D. Christie,Vertical Ozone Distribution over New Zealand, J. Atmos. Sci.6 (1966), 791?798.