1. D. Brunt,Notes on Radiation in the Atmosphere,I, Quart. J. Roy. Met. Soc.58 (1932), 389?418.
2. D. Brunt,Physical and Dynamical Meteorology (Camb. Univ. Press, 1952), 124?146 and 224?275.
3. M. I. Budyko,Heat Balance of the Surface of the Earth, Bull. World Meteor. Org.7 (1958), 166?174.
4. H. L. Callendar andC. H. McLeod,Observations of Soil Temperatures with Electrical Resistance Thermometers, Trans. Roy. Soc., Canada [2nd ser.]2 (1896?1897), 109?124.
5. H. L. Callendar andC. H. McLeod,Observations of Soil temperatures with Electrical Resistance Thermometers Trans. Roy. Soc., Canada [2nd ser.]3 (1897?1898), 31?49.