1. Technical basis for the ITER Final Design Report, ITER EDA Documentation Series No. 16 (IAEA, Vienna, Austria 1998)
2. Annual ADAS workshop, Cadarache, 20-22 Oct. 2002
3. and IAEA Technical Meeting on Atomic and Plasma-Material Interaction Data for Fusion Science and Technology, Jülich, 28-31 Oct. 2002
4. A.B. Ehrhardt, W.D. Langer: Report PPPL-2477 (Princeton Plasma PhysicsLaboratory, USA (1987)
5. A. Kirschner, J.N. Brooks, V. Philipps, P. Wienhold, A. Pospioszczyk, R.K. Janev, U. Samm: IAEA technical meeting on Atomic and Plasma-Material Interaction Data for Fusion Science and Technology, Jülich, 28–31 Oct.2002, P12