1. K.A. Rezvykh, R. Hellborg: Electric strength of the gas insulation of the 3UDH Pelletron accelerator at Lund university (Part 1. A technique of the calculation). In: Proceedings of Symposium of North Eastern Accelerator Personnel, SNEAP XXXIV, ed. by R. Hellborg et al. (ISBN 91-631-2676-1, 2002) pp. 124–140
2. K.A. Rezvykh, V.A. Romanov: Nucl. Instr. Meth. A 423, 203 (1999)
3. K.A. Rezvykh, V.A. Romanov: High-voltage accelerators: an analytical estimation of systematic errors of computing a gradient of potential for a finite difference method. In: Proceedings of the XVIII Conference on Accelerators of Charged Particles, RUPAC-2002, ed. by V.A. Romanov, SSC RF — IPPE, Obninsk, Russia, 2004, v. 2, pp. 798–810; see also: Electricity, Moscow (2004) (6) pp. 17–26 (in Russian)
4. I.M. Bortnik, C.M. Cooke: IEEE Trans. PAS-91:5, 2196 (1972)
5. J.M. Meek, J.D. Craggs: Electrical Breakdown of Gases (Clarendon Press, Oxford 1953)