1. Adiprasito, K.: Toric chordality. J. Math. Pures Appl. 108(5), 783–807 (2017)
2. Adiprasito, K.: Combinatorial Lefschetz theorems beyond positivity. arXiv:1812.10454v4 (2018)
3. Adiprasito, K., Yashfe, G.: The partition complex: an invitation to combinatorial commutative algebra. In: Surveys in Combinatorics 2021. London Mathematical Society. Lecture Note Series, vol. 160, pp. 1–41. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (2021)
4. Adiprasito, K., Nevo, E., Samper, J.A.: A geometric lower bound theorem. Geom. Funct. Anal. 26(2), 359–378 (2016)
5. Adiprasito, K., Papadakis, S.A., Petrotou, V.: Anisotropy, biased pairings, and the Lefschetz property for pseudomanifolds and cycles. arXiv:2101.07245v2 (2021)