1. M. F. Shostakovskii, A. S. Atavin, and Z. T. Dmitrieva, USSR Inventor's Certificate 314768 (1971);
2. Byull. Izobret. Otkr., No. 28 (1971).
3. Z. T. Dmitrieva, T. I. Vakul'skaya, and A. S. Atavin, Papers Presented at the Fourth All-Union Conference on the Chemistry of Acetylene [in Russian], Vol. 2, Alma-Ata (1972), p. 439.
4. V. A. Kabanov, K. V. Aliev, and V. A. Kargin, Vysokomol. Soedin., Ser. A,10, 1618 (1968); J. Polym. Sci., Ser. C,16, 1079 (1967).
5. E. S. Dolinina, G. G. Skvortsova, L. P. Makhno, N. N. Chipanina, and D. D. Taryashinova, Summarles of Papers Presented at the second All-Union Conference on Charge-Transfer Complexes and Radical-Ion Salts [in Russian], Riga (1973).