1. Bail, T. R., 1997, “A Disturbance Rejection Problem for a 2-D Airfoil,” MS Thesis, Department of Mathematics, Mathematics, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blackburg, VA.
2. Birman, V. and Bert, C. W., 1987, “Behavior of Laminated Plates Subjected to Conventioal Blast,”Int. J. Impact Eng., Vol. 6, No. 3, pp. 145 - 155.
3. Dorato, P., Abdallah, C. and Cerone, V., 1995,Linear-Quadratic Control. Prentice Hall.
4. Do well, E. H., 1978,A Modern Course in Aeroelasticity, Sijthoff and Noordhoff.
5. Edwards, J. W., 1977, “Unsteady Aerodynamic Modeling and Active Aeroelastic Control,” SUDARR 504 (NASA Grant ngl-05-020-007), Stanford University, Feb. 1977. Also available as NASA CR-148019.