1. L. V. Ovsjannikov:Gruppovye Svoystva Differentsialnikh Uravnyeni, Academy of Sciences of the USSR (Siberian Branch) (Novosibirsk, 1962) (translated byG. W. Bluman).
2. G. W. Bluman andJ. D. Cole:Similarity Methods for Differential Equations. Applied Mathematical Sciences, Vol.13 (Berlin, 1974).
3. W. Miller jr.:Symmetry and Separation of Variables. Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Application, Vol.4 (New York, N. Y., 1977).
4. M. Moshinsky:Group Theory and the Many-Body Problem (New York, N. Y., 1967).
5. B. G. Wybourne:Classical Groups for Physicists (New York, N. Y., 1974).