1. Albers, Patricia, and Beatrice Medicine 1983 The Hidden Half: Studies in Plains Indian Women. University Press of America, New York.
2. Alt, Betty Sowers, and Bonnie Domrose Stone 1991 Campfollowing: A History of the Military Wife. Praeger, New York.
3. Benson, Mary Summer 1966 Women in Eighteenth Century America. Kennikat Press, Port Washington, New York.
4. Boylan, Anne M. 1985 Growing Up Female in Young America, 1800–1860. In American Childhood: A Research Guide and Historical Handbook, edited by Joseph M. Hawes and N. Ray Hiner pp. 155–184. Greenwood Press., Westport, Connecticut.
5. Branca, Patricia 1975 Silent Sisterhood: Middle Class Women in the Victorian Home. Carnegie Mellon University Press, Pittsburgh.