QCD resummation for groomed jet observables at NNLL+NLO


Dasgupta Mrinal,El-Menoufi Basem Kamal,Helliwell JackORCID


Abstract We use a direct QCD approach to carry out the next-to-next-to-leading logarithmic (NNLL) resummation for observables groomed with the modified mass-drop tagger (Soft Drop β = 0). We focus on observables which are additive given an arbitrary number of soft-collinear emissions. For this class of observables, we arrange the structure of the NNLL terms into two distinct categories. The first defines a simplified inclusive tagger, whereby the NNLL collinear structure is directly related to ungroomed observables. The second defines a clustering correction which takes a particularly simple form when the Cambridge-Aachen (C/A) algorithm is used to cluster the jets. We provide, in addition to the QCD resummation of groomed jet mass, the first NNLL resummed predictions, matched to NLO, for a range of groomed jet angularities with mMDT grooming. Moreover, we also include for the first time in the same calculation, finite zcut effects computed at NLL level alongside the small zcut NNLL results which simultaneously improves upon both of the calculations used for groomed jet mass phenomenological studies to date. While for simplicity we focus on e+e collisions, the essential NNLL resummation we develop is process independent and hence with the appropriate NLO matching our results are also applicable for hadron collider phenomenology.


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


Nuclear and High Energy Physics

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