1. All-Union State Standard 8.050.73: The State Systems of Measurements: Normal Conditions for Performing Linear and Angular Measurements [in Russian].
2. All-Union State Standard 8.367.79: The State Systems of Measurements: Plane-Parallel Standard End Length Measures of Classes 1 and 2 and Working Classes of Accuracy 00 and 0 of Length up to 1000 mm: Methods and Means of Checking [in Russian].
3. MI 2079-90: Plane-Parallel End Length Measures of Classes 3, 4, and 5 for Lengths up to 100 mm: Methods and Means of Checking [in Russian].
4. E. E. Onegin, Precision Engineering for Microelectronics [in Russian], Radio i Svyaz', Moscow (1986).
5. Progress in Precision Engineering, Springer-Verlag, Braunschweig (1991).