1. Conformance Editing Committee, “Generic Coding of Moving Pictures and Associated Audio: ISO/IEC 13818-4: Conformant,” ISO/IEC/ JTC1/SC29/WG11 NO742 (July 1994).
2. S. J. Huang, “MPEG Digital Storage Media (DSM) Control Command,” Signal Proc. Image Cornmun., pp. 521 524, (February 1995).
3. M. S. Goldman, 1). F. Hooper, and C. Adams, “ISO/IEC 13818 6 MPEG-2 Digital Storage Media Command & Control (DSM-CC) Tutorial,” Tokyo (July 1995).
4. Systems Editing Committee, “Generic Coding of Moving Pictures and Associated Audio: Real-Time Interface Specification,” ISO/IEC/JTC1/SC29/ WG11 N0809 (November 1994).
5. A. G. Macinnes, “The MPEG Systems Coding Specification,” Signal Proc. Image Commun. pp. 153 159, (April 1992).