1. B. Budiansky and J. L. Sanders, Jr. (1963), “On the ‘best’ first-order linear shell theory,” Progress in Applied Mechanics (Prager Anniversary Volume), pp. 129–140, Macmillan, New York.
2. A. L. Goldenveiser (1940), “Equations of the theory of thin shells” (in Russian), Prikl. Mat. Mekh. 4, 35–42.
3. A. L. Goldenveiser (1961), Theory of Elastic Thin Shells, Pergamon, New York.
4. W. T. Koiter (1959), “A consistent first approximation in the general theory of thin elastic shells,” The Theory of Thin Elastic Shells, Proc. IUTAM Sympos. Delft (ed. W. T. Koiter), North-Holland, 1960, pp. 12–33.
5. W. T. Koiter (1966), “On the nonlinear theory of thin elastic shells,” Proc. Ken. Ned. Ak. Wet. B69, 1–54.