A Scoping Review of Communicating Neuropsychological Test Results to Patients and Family Members


Gruters Angélique AAORCID,Ramakers Inez HGBORCID,Verhey Frans RJORCID,Kessels Roy PCORCID,de Vugt Marjolein EORCID


AbstractFeedback of neuropsychological test results to patients and family members include psychoeducation and implications for daily life. This scoping review aimed to provide an overview of the literature on neuropsychological feedback and to offer clinical recommendations. In accordance with formal scoping review methodology, PubMed, PsycInfo, Web of Science, CINAHL, and Embase databases were searched. Studies were included if they reported on neuropsychological feedback, if full papers were available, and if they included human participants. All languages were included, and no limit was placed on the year of publication. Of the 2,173 records screened, 34 publications met the inclusion criteria. Five additional publications were included after cross-referencing. An update of the search led to the inclusion of two additional papers. Of these 41 publications, 26 were research papers. Neuropsychological feedback is provided for a wide spectrum of diagnoses and usually given in-person and has been related to optimal a positive effect on patient outcomes (e.g. increase the quality of life). Most papers reported on satisfaction and found that satisfaction with an NPA increased when useful feedback was provided. However, information retention was found to be low, but communication aids, such as written information, were found to be helpful in improving retention. The current review demonstrated the benefits of neuropsychological feedback and that this should be part of standard clinical procedures when conducting a neuropsychological assessment. Further research on the benefits of neuropsychological feedback and how to improve information provision would enrich the neuropsychological literature.


Noaber Foundation

Alzheimer Nederland


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


Neuropsychology and Physiological Psychology

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