1. Solar-Terrestrial Research in the 1980's. National Acad. Press, Washington D. C. 1981.
2. V. Bucha: Variations of the Geomagnetic Field, the Climate and Weather. Studia geoph. et geod., 20 (1976), 149.
3. V. Bucha: Mechanism of Solar-Terrestrial Relations and Changes of Atmospheric Circulation. Studia geoph. et geod., 21 (1977), 350.
4. V. Bucha: Possible Mechanism of Solar-Terrestrial Relations. Collection of Extended Summaries of Contributions Presented at Joint IAGA/IAMAP Assembly Seattle, Washington, IAMAP, Boulder, Colorado, Feb. 1978.
5. В. Буха: Связъ между корпускулярной радиацией и изменениями атмосферной циркуляции. ДАН CCCP, Т. 258, Но 2 (1981), 326.