1. Henry Marion Howe Memorial Lecture, 1932, Edgar C. Bain, “On the Rates of Reactions in Solid Steel,” Transactions, American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers, 1932, Vol. 100, Iron and Steel Division, p. 13–46.
2. H. W. McQuaid and E. W. Ehn, “Effect of Quality of Steel on Case-carburizing Results,”Transactions, American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Enginers, 1922, Vol. 67, p. 341–91.
3. B. M. Larsen and T. E. Brower, “Critical Studies of a Modified Ledebur Method for Determination of Oxygen in Steel,” Transactions, American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers, 1932, Vol. 100, Iron and Steel Division, p. 196–227.
4. S. Epstein and H. S. Rawdon, “Progress in Study of Normal and Abnormal Steel,”Transactions, American Society for Steel Treating, Sept. 1927, Vol. XII, p. 337–375.
5. G. V. Luerssen, “Some Notes on the Behavior of Carbon Tool Steel on Quenching,”Transactions, American Society for Steel Treating, Feb. 1930, Vol. XVII, p. 161–192.