1. V. S. Sabaneev, ?On the motion of an ellipsoid of revolution in a fluid bounded by a plane wall,? Vest. Leningrad, un-ta,13, no. 3, 1958.
2. E. D. Blokh and L. S. Ginevskii, ?On the motion of a system of bodies in an ideal fluid,? NTO sudostroit. promyshlennosti im. Krylova, no. 47, 1963.
3. L. M. Milne-Thompson, Theoretical Hydrodynamics [Russian translation], Izd. Mir, Moscow, 1964.
4. M. A. Lavrent'ev and B. V. Shabat, Methods of the Theory of Functions of a Complex Variable [in Russian], Gostekhizdat, 1951.