1. Adams, R.A., Clarke, F.H.: Gross's logarithmic sobolev inequality: a simple proof (preprint)
2. Berestycki, H., Cazenave, T.: To appear
3. Berestycki, H., Lions, P.L.: Existence d'ondes solitaires dans des probl�mes nonlin�aires du type Klein-Gordon. C. R. Paris287, 503?506 (1978);288, 395?398 (1979)
4. Berestycki, H., Lions, P.L.: Nonlinear scalar fields equations. Parts I and II. Arch. Rat. Mech. Anal. (to appear)
5. Berger, M.S.: On the existence and structure of stationary states for a nonlinear Klein-Gordon equation. J. Funct. Anal.9, 249?261 (1972)