AbstractQuality methods are classically applied in productive and administrative business areas as well as in the context of qualification measures. This paper presents the development of a didactic guide for the use of immersive virtual learning environments, which focuses on the training of quality methods. The guide is an element of the design phase of the assisted reality implementation model (ARIM), which was developed as a unified approach for the creation, training and subsequent evaluation of quality methods using augmented and virtual reality (VR) glasses. Thereby, the didactic guideline is also methodically derived from the ARIM and transferred to a realized virtual learning environment. The guideline is intended to address the handling of necessary hardware, appropriate safety and hygiene precautions and finding one’s way around the virtual learning environment. It thus serves as learning material for trainers and trainees alike. The following section explains in detail how the concrete guideline for self-directed training with VR should look and which specific requirements have to be taken into account. The aspects explained up to this point describe the structure of this article. In addition, an initial evaluation was conducted, which will be first explained with a description of the procedure and concluded with the presentation of the results. A brief conclusion is provided at the end.
Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung
Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Springer Science and Business Media LLC
Geriatrics and Gerontology
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