1. 110th AIME Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, February 22–24, 1981. See J. Metals, 32 (12) (1980) for titles and abstracts.
2. International Symposium on Hydrometallurgy, Proceedings of the Society of Chemical Industry, University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology, June 30–July 3, 1981.
3. “Liquid-Solid Separation,” The Metallurgical Society of the Canadian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (CIM) 10th Annual Hydrometallurgy Meeting. Niagara Falls, Ontario, October 19–22, 1981. See CIM Bulletin, 74 (832) (1981) for program.
4. Fifth Annual Uranium Seminar, Proceedings of the Albuquerque Conference, AIME, 1982.
5. M. E. Wadsworth, “Review of Developments in Hydrometallurgy—1980,” J. Metals, 33(4) (1981), pp. 36–40.