1. J.W. Edington, K.N. Melton, and C.P. Cutler, Progress in Materials Science, 21,(3) (1976), Pergamon, Oxford.
2. L.F. Porter and D.S. Dabkowaski, “Grain-Size Control by Thermal Cycling” in Ultra Fine-Grain Metals, edited by J.J. Burke and V. Weiss, proceedings of conference held in Sagamore, New York, August 1969, pp. 133–161.
3. R.A. Grange, Trans ASM, 59, 1966, pp. 26–48.
4. M. Cohen and W.S. Owen, “Thermo-Mechanical Processing of Microalloyed Steels,” in Micro Alloying 75, proceedings of conference held in Washington, D. C., October 1975, Union Carbide Corporation, New York (1977), pp. 2–8.
5. T.M. Hoogendoorn and M.J. Spanraft, “Quantifying the Effect of Microalloying Elements on Structures During Processing,” in Microalloying 75, proceedings of conference held in Washington, D.C., October 1975, published by Union Carbide Corporation, New York (1977), pp. 75–85.