1. D. S. Flett, “Some Recent Developments in the Application of Liquid Extraction in Hydrometallurgy,” Chemical Engineer (London), No. 370 (1981), pp. 321–324.
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3. G. M. Ritcey and A. W. Ashbrook, “Treatment of Cobalt Arsenide Feeds for the Subseqent Recovery of Cobalt,” Can. Min. Metall. Bull., 74 (October, 1981), pp. 102–112.
4. M. Dubrovsky, D. Ziegler, I. F. Masterson, and J. W. Evans, “Electrowinning of Copper and Cobalt by Use of Fluidized-Bed Cathodes,” in Proceedings of Extraction Metallurgy Conference, Institution of Mining and Metallurgy, London, September 21–23, 1981, pp. 91–103.
5. M. Pedlik and L. Kubicek, “The Separation of Cobalt from Ammoniacal Nickel and Cobalt Solutions and the Treatment of Semiproduct to Electrolytic Cobalt,” The Metallurgical Society of AIME, Warrendale, Pennsylvania, TMS No. A81-64, 1981.