AbstractWe give a definition of finitary type theories that subsumes many examples of dependent type theories, such as variants of Martin–Löf type theory, simple type theories, first-order and higher-order logics, and homotopy type theory. We prove several general meta-theorems about finitary type theories: weakening, admissibility of substitution and instantiation of metavariables, derivability of presuppositions, uniqueness of typing, and inversion principles. We then give a second formulation of finitary type theories in which there are no explicit contexts. Instead, free variables are explicitly annotated with their types. We provide translations between finitary type theories with and without contexts, thereby showing that they have the same expressive power. The context-free type theory is implemented in the nucleus of the Andromeda 2 proof assistant.
Air Force Office of Scientific Research
Springer Science and Business Media LLC
Artificial Intelligence,Computational Theory and Mathematics,Software
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