1. M. S. Antsyferov, A. G. Konstantinova, and L. B. Pereverzev, Seismoacoustic Investigations in Coal Mines [in Russian], AN SSSR, Moscow (1960).
2. A. G. Konstantinova, “Seismoacoustic observations on failure of the Kizelovsk coal sample,” in: Ore Aerogasdynamics and Safety of Mining [in Russian], Nauka, Moscow (1964).
3. W. M. McCabe, “Acoustic emission in coal: a laboratory study,” in: Proceedings of the 2nd Conference on Acoustic Emission / Microseismic Activity in Geologic Structures and Materials, H. R. Hardy, Jr. & F. W. Leighton (eds.), Clausthal. Trans. Tech. Publications (1980).
4. A. A. Agroskin, Physics of Coal [in Russin], Nedra, Moscow (1965).
5. Y. P. Chugh and G. H. Heidinger, “Effect of coal lithology on observed microseismic activity during laboratory tests,” in: Proceedings of the 2nd Conference on Acoustic Emission / Microseismic Activity in Geologic Structures and Materials, H.R. Hardy, Jr. & F.W. Leighton (eds.), Clausthal. Trans. Tech. Publications (1980).