1. Reiter, R.: Erste Ergebnisse gleichzeitiger Registrierungen der Globalstrahlung im kurzwelligen Ultraviolett in verschiedenen Höhen mit Hilfe UV-empfindlicher Zählrohre. Meteorologisches Institut d. Universität München, Wiss. Mitt. Nr. 9, 29–46 (1964).
2. Reiter, R.: Stratospheric-Tropospheric Exchange Influenced by Solar Activity. Results of a 5-Years' Study. Arch. Met. Geoph. Biokl., Ser. A26, 127–154 (1977).
3. Reiter, R.: Solar Events Increase the Frequency of Stratospheric Intrusions. IAGA/IAMAP Joint Assembly, Seattle, 1977.
4. Reiter, R.: Stratospheric-Tropospheric Exchange Closely Coupled with the Forbush Effect. Results of an 8-Years Series of Measurements and Their Possible Interpretation. Proc., COSPAR, Twenty-First Plenary Meeting and Associated Activities, May, June 1978.
5. Proc. Symposium/Workshop, Solar-Terrestrial Influences on Weather and Climate;R. Reiter,1978