1. I. Z. Aronov, Contact Water Heating by Natural Gas Combustion Products [in Russian], Nedra, Moscow-Leningrad (1978).
2. Series 10 ?Sanitary Engineering Equipment Industry? [in Russian], No. 11;I. Z. Aronov,1979
3. I. Z. Aronov, G. A. Presich, V. I. Moiseev, and V. P. Vershinskii, ?Contact economizer assemblies for use of the heat from industrial boiler exit gases,? Promyshlennaya Energetika, No. 6, 16?17 (1977).
4. I. Z. Aronov, G. A. Presich, and L. G. Semenyuk, Adjustment and Operation of Contact Economizers ? Information Summary, Series, ?Use of gas in the national economy,? [in Russian], No. 7, VNIIÉgasprom, Moscow (1980).