1. Ya. G. Uzhanskii, The Part Played by Erythrocytes in the Regeneration of Blood [in Russian] (Leningrad, 1949).
2. V. N. Shreder, Trudy inst. tsitologii, gistologii i embriologii3, 1, 83 (1948).
3. H. Borsook, A. Graybiel, G. Keighley, and others. Blood, 1954, v. 9, p. 734.
4. P. Carnot and Cl. Deflandre, Compt. rend. Acad. sc., 1906, v. 143 p. 384.
5. P. Carnot, Compt. rend. biol., 1906, v. 58, p. 344.