1. See the recent review by S. Redner and F. Leyvraz, in Fractals in Science, A. Bunde and S. Havlin editors (Springer—Verlag, (1994)), pg. 197, nd the references included therein. See also several articles on this subject in the Raoul Kopelman Festschrift issue of The Journal of Physical Chemistry vol. 98, July 28th (1994).
2. S. Havlin and D. Ben-Avraham; Adv. Phys. 36, 695 (1987);
3. Y. B. Zeldovich and A. S. Mikhailov; Usp. Fiz. Nauk. 153, 469 (1987);
4. K. Lindenberg, B. J. West and R. Kopelman, in Noise and Chaos in Nonlinear Dynamical Systems, edited by E Moss, L. Lugiato and W. Schleich (Cambridge UP., Cambridge, England, 1990), p. 142; D. Ben-Avraham, M. A. Burschka and C. R. Doering; J. Stat. Phys. 60, 695 (1990).
5. L. W. Anacker and R. Kopelman; Phys. Rev. Lett. 58, 289 (1987).