1. Some of the entries are annotated. Web sites may be altered, change names and even go off-line in time. Those cited here were consulted between 2005 and 2007.
2. Anonymous. 1852. Kungsmatige bevfruchting de vanille te Buitenzorg. Natuurkundig Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsch Indie 3: 484–485.
3. Anonymous. 1855a. Fécondation artificielle des orchidées. L'Illustration Horticole 2: 43–44. The editor of this journal at the time was Ch[arles] Lemaire. In those days editors wrote unsigned articles for their journals.
4. Anonymous. 1855b. Possibilité de la culture de vanillier en Europe. L'Illustration Horticole 2: 45–48. The editor of this journal at the time was Ch[arles] Lemaire. In those days editors wrote unsigned articles for their journals.
5. Anonymous. 1869. Morren (Charles-François-Antoine). Liber Memorialis l'Universite de Liége: 446–480.