1. Alexandre P (1990) Les Séismes en Europe Occidentale de 394 à 1259. Nouveau catalogue critique. Observatoire Royal de Belgique, série géophysique, Bruxelles, 266pp
2. al-Suyuti, Jalal al-Din (15th cent.) Kashf al-salsala ‘an wasf al-zalzala. Abd al-Latif Sa’adani (ed), Fez 1971. Also B: BM MS Or.5852, 1768; P: BNP MSS Ar.5929, 1706; C: Cairo NM MS N324; CB: Cambridge Or.8.172, 1760; L: Lahore BM Opuscula 14521.c.37, 1890; for a recent translation in Russian see Buniyatov 1983.
3. Ambraseys N (1970) Early earthquakes in the Near and Middle East 17 – 1699 AD; Part I: Documentation of historical earthquakes in the Middle East, UNESCO Report No., SC/1473/1969, 410pp; Part II: Historical earthquakes after 17 AD; UNESCO Report No., SC/2129/1970, 45pp; Part III: North Africa and South-east Europe, UNESCO Report No., SC/2129/1970, 40pp
4. Ambraseys NN, Finkel CF (1995) The Seismicity of Turkey, and Adjacent Areas: A Historical Review, 1500–1800. Eren, Istanbul, 240pp
5. Ambraseys NN, Melville CP (1982) A History of Persian Earthquakes. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 219pp (2005, paperback edition)