1. Imre, A.R., Drozd-Rzoska, A., Kraska, T., Martinás, K., Rebelo, L.P.N., Rzoska, S.J., Visak, Z.P., and Yelash, L.V. (2004) Phase equilibrium in complex liquids under negative pressure, in Nonlinear Dielectric Phenomena in Complex Liquids (Eds.: Rzoska, S.J. and Zhelezny, V.P.), NATO Science Series, Kluwer, Dordrecht, 117-125.
2. Imre, A., Martinás, K., and Rebelo, L.P.N. (1998) Thermodynamics of negative pressures in liquids, J. Non-Equilib. Thermodyn., 23, 351-375.
3. Trevena, D.H. (1987) Cavitation and Tension in Liquids, Adam Hilger, Bristol. The reference recalls historical facts related to negative pressure studies.
4. Debenedetti, P.G. (1996) Metastable Liquids: Concepts and Principles, Princeton University Press, Princeton, N.J.
5. Liquids Under Negative Pressure (Eds.: Imre, A.R., Maris, H.J., and Williams, P.R.), NATO Science Series, Kluwer, Dordrecht, 2002.