1. Brown Weiss E., 1990. Our Rights and Obligations to Future Generations for the Environment, 84 AJIL, p. 1999.
2. Cheng B., 1953. General Principles of Law as applied by International Courts and Tribunals, London, p.23, p. 376.
3. Dworkin R., 1977. Taking Rights Seriously, London, p. 24.
4. Gentini Case, 1903. Italy-Venezuela Mixed Claims Commission, in Ralston & Doyle (1904), Venezuelan Arbitrations of 1903, Washington.
5. International Court of Justice, ICJ, 1996. Nuclear Weapons Advisory Opinion, ICJ Reports, 1996, p. 66 and p. 226, in ILM, Vol. 35, p. 809 ff., § 29.