1. On the question of Nazism and social revolution, useful overviews are: T. Saunders, ‘Nazism and Social Revolution’ in G. Martel, Modern Germany Reconsidered 1870–1945 (London, 1992)
2. I. Kershaw, ‘The Third Reich: “Social Reaction” or “Social Revolution”?’ in I. Kershaw, The Nazi Dictatorship, 3rd edn (London, 1993), pp. 131–49.
3. On the question of the revolutionary nature of the Nazi ‘seizure of power’ see H. Möller, ‘Die nationalsozialistische Machtergreifung: Konterrevolution oder Revolution?’ in Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte, XXXI (1983), pp. 25–51.
4. For a very useful, though controversial, discussion of Hitler’s revolutionary self-image and aims see R. Zitelmann, Hitler. Selbstverständnis eines Revolutionärs, 2nd edn (Stuttgart, 1989).
5. For a penetrating and judicious assessment of Hitler see I. Kershaw, Hitler 1889–1936. Hubris (London, 1998), especially pp. xix-xxx.