1. In principle, the class of dendritic polymers also includes dendrons, arborescent polymers (sometimes also referred to as dendrigrafts) and dendronized polymers, but (and especially in the silicon-containing dendritic polymers field) the interest in dendrimers and hyperbranched polymers has been disproportionally more pronounced.
2. A SciFinder search of the field in November of 2007 revealed 11,844 references containing the concept of dendrimers and 13,769 references containing the concept of hyperbranched polymers.
3. Dvornic PR, Tomalia DA (1996) Curr Opin Colloid Interface Sci 1:221.
4. Dvornic PR, Tomalia DA (1996) Sci Spectra 5:36.
5. See for example: Kadish KM, Ruoff RS (2000) Fullerenes: Chemistry, physics, and technology. Wiley-Interscience, New York.