Quantum Computation and Information


Sernadas Amílcar,Mateus Paulo,Omar Yasser


Springer Netherlands

Reference76 articles.

1. Abadi M, Gordon AD. “A calculus for cryptographic protocols: The Spi Calculus”, Information and Computation, vol. 148 no. 1, pp. 1–70, 1999. Full version available as SRC Research Report 149, January 1998.

2. Adão P, Bana G, Herzog J, Scedrov A. “Soundness and completeness of formal encryption: The cases of key-cycles and partial information leakage”, Preprint, CLC, Department of Mathematics, Instituto Superior Técnico, 1049-001 Lisboa, Portugal, 2005. Submitted for publication.

3. Adão P, Bana G, Herzog J, Scedrov A. “Soundness of formal encryption in the presence of key-cycles”, S. D. C. di Vimercati, P. Syverson, and D. Gollmann (eds.), Proceedings of the 10th European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS), vol. 3679 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer-Verlag, 2005, pp. 374–396.

4. Adão P, Bana G, Scedrov A. “Computational and information-theoretic soundness and completeness of formal encryption”, Proceedings of the 18th IEEE Computer Security Foundations Workshop (CSFW), IEEE Computer Society Press, 2005, pp. 170–184.

5. Adão P, Fournet C. “Cryptographically sound implementations for communicating processes”, Preprint, CLC, Department of Mathematics, Instituto Superior Técnico, 1049-001 Lisboa, Portugal, 2006. Submitted for publication.








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