1. Aeraqua Medical Services (2001) Health surveillance following Operation Ever Green: a programme to eradicate the white-spotted tussock moth from the eastern suburbs of Auckland. Report to the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry. 60pp + Appendices
2. Aeraqua Medical Services (2005a) A study of presentations of householder concerns to the painted apple moth (PAM) health service and Auckland summer symptom survey. Report to AgriQuality Ltd. 131pp
3. Aeraqua Medical Services (2005b) A comparison of presentations of householder concerns to the painted apple moth (PAM) and Asian gypsy moth (AGM) health services. Report to AgriQuality Ltd. 68pp
4. Anonymous (1893) White grub culture. NZ Farmer, Bee and Poultry Journal, February, 1893:45
5. Anonymous (2007) Painted Apple Moth – Auckland New Zealand May 1999. Submissions received to date from Parties and organizations for the Convention on Biological Diversity in-depth review on IAS for consideration at COP 9. 19pp http://www.cbd.int/doc/ submissions/ias/ias-nz-moth-2007-en.pdf [accessed March 2008]