1. Ayling, A.M., A. Cumming & W. J. Ballantine, 1981, Map of Shore and Sub-tidal Habitats of Cape Rodney to Okakari Point Marine Reserve, North Island, New Zealand in 3 Sheets, Scale 1: 2000. Department of Lands and Survey, Wellington.
2. Babcock, R. C., 2003. The New Zealand marine reserve experience: the science behind the politics. In Hutchings. P. & S. D. Lunney (eds) Conserving Marine Environments: Out of Sight, out of mind. Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales, Mossman: 105–119.
3. Babcock, R. C., S. Kelly, N. T. Shears, J. W. Walker & T. J. Willis, 1999. Changes in community structure in temperate marine reserves. Marine Ecology Progress Series 189:125–134.
4. Ballantine, W.J. (ed.), 1982. Sea Surface Temperatures. Leigh Laboratory Bulletin No 5. University of Auckland: 43 pp.
5. Ballantine, W. J., 1993. Marine reserves for New Zealand. Leigh Marine Laboratory, University of Auckland. 20 minute video.