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2. Beardsley, M. C. (1979). In defense of aesthetic value. Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association, 52(6), 723–749.
3. Bowman, W. D. (2004). Cognition and the body: Perspectives from music education. In L. Bresler (Ed.), Knowing bodies, moving minds: Toward embodied teaching and learning (pp. 20–50). Dordrecht, the Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Press.
4. Bowman, W. D. (2005). Music education in nihilistic times. Educational Philosophy and Theory (Journal of the Philosophy of Education Society of Australasia), Special Issue: The Philosophy of Music Education: Contemporary Perspectives, 37(1), 29–46. Also published (2005). In D. K. Lines (Ed.), Music education for the new millennium: Theory and practice futures for music teaching and learning (pp. 29–46). Malden, MA: Blackwell.
5. Bowman, W. D. (2006). Why narrative? Why now? Research Studies in Music Education, 27, 5–20.