1. J. Musa, Software Reliability Engineering: More Reliable Software Faster and Cheaper, McGraw-Hill. 2004.
2. I. Sommerville, Software Engineering, Addison-Wesley, 7th Edition, Chapter 24, 2004.
3. J. Musa, “Operational Profile in Software Reliability Engineering,” IEEE Software, Vol. 10, No. 2, Mar. 1993, pp. 14-32.
4. R. V. Binder, “Automated Testing with an Operational Profile”, The Software Tech News, Vol. 8, No. 1. Dec. 2004, pp. 7-10.
5. J. A. Whittaker and J. Voas, “Toward a more reliable theory of software reliability”, IEEE Computer, Vol. 33, No. 12, Dec. 2000, pp. 36-42.