1. F. A. Garner, JNM 117 (1983) 177.
2. D. J. Mazey, JNM 174 (1990) 196.
3. “Standard Practice for Neutron Irradiation Damage Simulation by Charged Particle Irradiation,” Designation E521–89, American Standards for Testing and Materials, Phila, 1989, p. D-9.
4. G. S. Was and P. L. Andresen, JOM 44 #4 (1992) 8.
5. P. L. Andresen, F. P. Ford, S. M. Murphy and J. M. Perks, Proc. Fourth Int ’l Symp. on Environmental Degradation of Materials in Nuclear Power Systems–Water Reactors, National Association of Corrosion Engineers, Houston, 1990, p. 1–83.