1. R.K. Wilson, Ed.,Maraging Steels: Recent Developments and Applications, TMS, 1988
2. S. Floreen,Metall. Rev., Vol 13, 1968, p 115–128
3. R.F. Decker, Ed.,Source Book on Maraging Steel, R.E. Decker, Ed., American Society for Metals, 1979
4. R.F. Decker, J.T. Eash, and A.J. Goldman, 18% Ni Maraging Steels,Source Book on Maraging Steel, R.F. Decker, Ed., American Society for Metals, 1979,p 1–19
5. A. Magnee, J.M. Dropier, J. Dumont, D. Cousourdis, and L. Habraken,“Co-Containing High Strength Steel: A Critical Review of the Physical Metallurgy of Co-Containing High Strength Steel and a Survey of Their Processing, Properties and Uses,” Center D’Information du Cobalt, Brussels, 1974, p 50–123