1. Corrosion Fatigue, O. F. Devereux, A. J. McEvily, and R. W. Staehle, eds., NACE, Houston, TX, 1972, 762 pages.
2. Corrosion-Fatigue Technology, H. L. Craig, Jr., T. W. Crooker, and D. W. Hoeppner, eds., STP 642, ASTM, Philadelphia, PA, 1976, 322 pages.
3. The Influence of Environment on Fatigue, The Institution of Mechanical Engineers, London, U.K., 1977, 169 pages.
4. Environment-Sensitive Fracture of Engineering Materials, Z. A. Foroulis, ed., TMS-AIME, Warrendale, PA, 1979, 662 pages.
5. Environmental Degradation of Engineering Materials in Aggressive Environments, M. R. Louthan, Jr., R. P. McNitt, and D. Sisson, Jr., eds., Virginia Polytechnic Inst., Blacksburg, VA, 1981, 600 pages.