Hue and cry for Fritillaria cirrhosa D.Don, a threatened medicinal plant in the Western Himalaya


Mathela Manisha,Kumar Amit,Sharma Monika,Goraya Gurinderjit Singh


AbstractThe unique Himalayan ecosystems are repositories to the wild populations of diverse flora and fauna. The high value medicinal and aromatic plant species (MAPs) are an example of the same. Since time immemorial, these MAPs have been traditionally used by the local inhabitants and have eventually developed a high market value all over the world. Increasing market demand engenders over-extraction of species, unsustainable collection further catalyses decline in wild populations. The current communication raises high conservation concern on the rapid population decline of Fritillaria cirrhosa D.Don in the Western Himalaya. Harvested and traded with a new trade name i.e., ‘Jangli lehsun’ probably to disguise common Allium species, the species is facing tremendous decline in wild populations due to its illegal harvesting and trade in Himachal Pradesh. Further, F. cirrhosa faces threat due to unorganized, over-extraction, unsustainable and premature harvesting of the bulbs, coupled with illegal hidden markets functioning parallelly. Considering that this valuable species is under multiple threats being a medicinally important plant, priority should be given for its conservation through in-situ such as identification of medicinal plant conservation areas and ex-situ methods for its propagation and multiplication. Further, to ensure the long-term conservation of Fritillaria cirrhosa, prioritized conservation strategies such as strengthening of the Biodiversity Management Committees, capacity building through awareness programs for the key stakeholders and sustainable harvesting would be the practical solution.


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


General Medicine

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