1. Moore DS, Goodpaster JV (2009) Explosives analysis. Anal Bioanal Chem 395(2):245–246. doi: 10.1007/s00216-009-3003-6
2. Los Alamos Collaboration for Explosives Detection. (2015). http://laced.lanl.gov . Accessed 16 April 2015
3. Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Initiative for Explosives Detection. (2015). http://www.pnnl.gov/nationalsecurity/explosives.detection/ . Accessed 16 April 2015
4. Awareness and localization of explosives-related threats (ALERT). (2015). http://www.northeastern.edu/alert/ . Accessed 16 April 2015
5. Trace Explosives Detection Workshop. http://www.traceexplosives.org/ . Accessed 7 May 2015