1. Herbert RL (2004) Seurat and the making of La Grande Jatte. The Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago. The University of California Press, Berkeley
2. Chevreul M-E (1967) The principles of harmony and contrast of colors and their application to the arts, based on the first English edition of 1854, with a special introduction and explanatory notes by Birren F. Reinhold, NewYork
3. Rood O (1879) Modern chromatics: students’ text-book of color with applications to art and industry. Appleton, New York. Translated as Theorie scientifique des couleurs et leurs application a` l’art et a` l’industrie. Paris; 1881
4. Verhaeren E (1891) Georges Seurat. La Société Nouvelle 7: 1
5. Fénéon F (1892) Au pavillon de la ville de Paris. Le Chat Noir April 2