1. Adams, Daniel. Adams’ new arithmetic, suited to Halifax currency, in which the principles of operating by numbers are analytically explained and synthetically applied; thus combining the advantages of the inductive and synthetic mode of instructing. The whole made familiar by a great variety of useful and interesting examples, calculated at once to engage the pupil in the study, and to give him a full knowledge of figures in their application to all the practical purposes of life. Designed for use in the schools and academies in the British provinces. Stanstead, L.C. Walton and Gaylord (1883). A second edition was published at Sherbrooke in 1849.
2. Anand, Kailash K. “Canadian women Mathematicians from the Early Nineteenth Century to 1960-A More Comprehensive Study”. CMS Notes, 21 no. 5, 1989, 31–42.
3. Anonymous, Nouveau Traité abrégé de la Sphère d’après le système de Copernic, par demandes et par reponses, Nouvelle édition a l’Usage du Séminaire de Nicolet, Trois-Rivières: Ludger Duvernay Imprimeur, 1824. The 1829 edition is a l’usage des Ecoles de cette Province)
4. Anonymous (attributed to Jean Langevin), Traité élémentaire de calcul différentiel et de calcul intégral, Québec: Imprimerie d’Aug. Côté et Cie, 1848.
5. Anonymous, Théorie élémentaire des nombres d’après Buler, Legendre, Gauss et Cauchy, 1er fascicule, Montréal: Eugene Senécal, 1870.